
Showing posts from October, 2022

Cybersecurity Homeland Security

The offensive strategy worked for a while, but eventually other nations, including Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China, acquired their own offensive capability and have tended to use it against the United States. NSA contractors created and sold "click-and-shoot" attack tools to U.S. agencies and close allies, but eventually the tools made their way to foreign adversaries. In 2016, NSAs own hacking tools were hacked, and they have been used by Russia and North Korea. NSA's employees and contractors have been recruited at high salaries by adversaries, anxious to compete in cyberwarfare. Cybersecurity Guide was created to help prospective students and early career professionals navigate this new space and find the opportunities that best fit educational and career goals. Although malware and network breaches existed during the early years, they did not use them for financial gain. By the second half of the 1970s, established computer firms like IBM started offering comm

Standard Ebooks: Free and liberated ebooks, carefully produced for the true book lover

2001Adobe releases Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 allowing users to underline, take notes and bookmark. A digitized version of the Gutenberg Bible is made available online at the British Library. Oxford University Press makes a selection of its books available as e-books through netLibrary. Launch of Bibliobytes, a website for obtaining e-books, both for free and for sale on the Internet. These practices should hold true for all your other marketing efforts, such as email marketing, call-to-action creation, and landing page development. In June 2017, Barnes & Noble reportedly moved its once-prominent Nook kiosks to the back of its stores. Based on all of these factors plus the half-hearted hardware, our gut tells us that the Nook brand isn’t long for this world. An EBOOK reader offers fewer distractions than reading on your phone—you won’t be tempted to switch apps to check Twitter or your email. Anything that makes life easier for people is attractive, and convenience is a real crow

What Travel Agents Need to Know About Corporate Travel Today

     This is rightly named as the age of traveler-centricity and with the evolution of the new era of personalized travel; it is leading to research and development of a host of new so-called intelligent services. The command-and-control perspectives of traveling have changed a lot from the past and the focus has shifted more on the traveler and the productivity of each trip. It has become essential to maintain that the travelers have the greatest return on investment on each trip. New generations of young employees and managers, who have been growing up and dwelling in a digital age, are moving up the ranks as  travelers. It has become essential to recognize the need for greater flexibility acknowledging that the employees who travel on corporate trips also consider a percentage of their trip to be a leisure outlet. With increasing globalization and rise in companies sending their staff overseas to network and connect with their offshore prospects/customers/suppli